In last month’s blog, we drew the analogy that writing a marketing strategy is like navigating a trail. If we follow the ‘five Ds of navigation’ we can address the questions that help us to map a relevant and impactful strategy. But just as any map requires a compass to determine the direction of travel, so too does marketing require its own orientation tool. If marketing is our map, sales is our compass!
For anyone not familiar with the workings of a compass, its primary purpose is to determine direction according to magnetic north. By simply aligning the printed north arrow on your map with the magnetized needle of your compass, you’ve already started the process of navigation. Without this simple act, you have very little hope of finding a path forwards.
The same is true for marketing and sales. You won’t make many sales without a marketing strategy and there’s no conversion of marketing efforts without sales input. With no alignment at all between these teams, you’re only destination is failure. With three easy steps, we can avoid failure and start the journey towards greater sales and marketing alignment.
Thankfully, the argument for marketing and sales alignment is a tale as old as time. Sales relies on marketing to generate leads, whilst marketing needs sales to nurture and convert them. It’s a relationship, a partnership, a connection as strong as that between a map and compass. So, if you’re lacking alignment, let’s explore how to make the most of your sales and marketing bond.
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